traffic signs and road markings licence test signs
Traffic Signs or Road Signs are signs erected at the side of roads to inform road users. licence test signs Pictorial signs are used as symbols in place of Traffic…
Mechanic Information about vehicles related to student, top 10 list, , mechanical study,automobile engineering, physics, car, bike,
Automobile Engineering: The Science Behind Your Vehicle
Automobile engineering is a branch of mechanical engineering that deals with the design, manufacture, and operation of vehicles and their components. It is a highly interdisciplinary field that incorporates elements of mechanical, electrical, electronic, software, and safety engineering. In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of automobile engineering, exploring the key components of a vehicle and the technology behind them.
Traffic Signs or Road Signs are signs erected at the side of roads to inform road users. licence test signs Pictorial signs are used as symbols in place of Traffic…
Introduction When it comes to understanding the intricacies of an engine, the cylinder head stands out as a crucial component. However, for many, it remains shrouded in mystery. Fear not!…
Introduction Have you ever found yourself stuck with a dead car battery, unsure of what to do next? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Understanding how to charge a car battery…
कार आल्टरनेटर कैसे काम करता है कार आल्टरनेटर एक महत्वपूर्ण घड़ी का हिस्सा है जो वाहन की इलेक्ट्रिकल सिस्टम के लिए विद्युत शक्ति उत्पन्न करने का जिम्मेदार होता है। यह…
Engine Camshaft An Engine Camshaft is simply a shaft on which cams are mounted the camshaft is mounted in bearing in the lower part of the cylinder block in most…
What is the principle of the cooling system? The cooling system plays a crucial role in all automobiles, especially those with internal combustion engines that generate heat during the combustion…
2 स्ट्रोक इंजन क्या है? Two Stroke Engine वर्किंग प्रक्रिया का Process है। इसमें क्रैंक Crankshaft का एक पूर्ण Revolution 360° में समाप्त होता है। मतलब Crankshaft का एक पूर्ण…
What is Engine ? इंजन क्या है हिंदी मे समजे ? Engine एक ऐसी Machine या Device है जो एक Energy के Form को Mechanical Energy में Convert करती है…
l.C Engine क्या है?| What is Internal Combustion Engine यह एक ऐसा ऊष्मा इंजन Internal Combustion Engines है जिसमें सिलेंडर Cylinder के अंदर ईंधन Fule का दहन होता है और…
What is the function of the engine head?|What is Engine Cylinder Head ? | Engine Cylinder Head क्या होता है ? Cylinder का top एक अलग कटे हुए टुकड़े से…
इस विषय में हम डिफरेंशियल के बारे में समझेंगे। जैसे, Differentials क्या है, और काम कैसे करता है ? और इसका उपयोग कहाँ- कहाँ किया जाता है? सबसे पहले हम…
Introduction Battery Generators alternator or dynamo The alternator is a device to convert mechanical energy from the automobile engine into electrical energy the alternator replaces in the battery current used…
Spring क्या है? Spring का उपयोग कहाँ- कहाँ किया जाता है ? और Spring कितने प्रकार की होती है? इस विषय में हम Spring से संबंधित सबसे पहले हम Spring…
In a diesel engine, the fuel is feed into the cylinder by a fuel injector and is mixed with air inside the cylinder. in a petrol engine, the air and…
इंजन – इंजन एक मैकेनिकल device है जो fuel की chemical energy को thermal energy में transforms करता है और यह thermal energy का उपयोग करके Mechanical work को produce…
what is an engine cylinder head ? The top of the cylinder is covered with a separate cut piece called the cylinder head. The Cylinder Head is bolted to the…
leakage को रोकने के लिए और tight fit joint संयुक्त सुनिश्चित करने के लिए सिलेंडर में compression बनाए रखने के लिए Cylinder Head और सिलेंडर ब्लॉक के बीच एक gasket…
What is Engine cylinder Block ? Cylinder blocks are usually made of gray cast-iron cylinder blocks that the piston moves up and down. With the help of a connecting road…
What is an Engine Valves: The function of the valve is to help in completing the processes of the intake stroke and exhaust stroke by opening and closing. Each engine…
Camshaft क्या है? Parts, Function, Diagram और एक camshafts केवल एक शाफ्ट होता है जिस पर कैम लगाए जाते हैं, अधिकांश लाइन इंजन में सिलेंडर ब्लॉक के निचले हिस्से में…
इस पोस्ट में हम डीज़ल इंजन के बारे में पड़ेगे के डीज़ल इंजन कैसे काम करता है और उसके पार्ट्स कौन कौन से है डीजल साइकिल इंजन के बारे में…
What is engine ? इंजन क्या है हिंदी मे समजे ? Engine एक ऐसी Machine या Device है जो एक Energy के Form को Mechanical Energy में Convert करती है…
History of The Automobile | ऑटोमोबाइल का इतिहास Who invented the first automobile? 1769 में, एक फ्रेंच इंजीनियर कैप्टिन Nicholas Cugnot ने अपनी खुद की शक्ति (Own power) से चलने…
what is engine cylinder block | Engine Cylinder Block kiya hota hai Cylinder block आमतौर पर gray cast-iron से बनाया जाता है cylinder blocks में पिस्टन up and Down करता…
What is Piston and its function Piston is the name of a part of the engine which keeps moving up and down inside the cylinder. The engine’s suction, compression, power…
Transmission system | Power Transmission System | Driving System The Power Developed inside the engine cylinder is ultimately aimed to turn the wheel so that the motor Vehicle can move…
What is Piston and its function | पिस्टन क्या है और इसका कार्य पिस्टन इंजन का एक पार्ट का नाम है जो की सिलेंडर के अंदर ऊपर नीचे होता रहता…
What is an Engine Valve?| इंजन वाल्व कैसे काम करते है? What is an Engine Valve?| इंजन वाल्व कैसे काम करते है? valve : एक उपकरण जिसे किसी तरल या…
the function of the connecting rod is to convert liner motion of the piston into rotary motion of the crankshaft. Parts, Function, and Connecting rod bearings What is Connecting Rod:…
OIL SUMP FULL DETAIL HINDI ME सबसे पहले आपको को इसके बारे में कुछ बाते बता देता हूँ की ये क्या है और ये कहाँ पर पाया जाता है। जैसे…
Connecting Rod क्या है: यह कैसे काम करता है? connecting rod का कार्य है piston के liner motion ((reciprocating) को crankshaft की rotary motion में बदलता है। connecting rod में…
This blog post provides knowledge about crankshaft, crankshaft material, crankshaft function. This blog is about the crankshaft, types of the crankshaft, functions of the crankshaft. This blog post provides knowledge…
First of all, let me tell you some things about it, what it is and where it is found. As you know that every petrol or diesel engine needs lubrication…
Flywheel is a machine member which avoids fluctuation of energy in a Engine or in reciprocating compressor & pumps. Flywheel | Engine Flywheel | How the flywheel can work The…
Now we will understand “Single Plate Clutch” and its working – What Is A Single Plate Clutch? Single plate clutch :– It is the Most Common types of clutch used…
What Is Cone Clutch? A cone clutch serves the same purpose as a disk or plate clutch. However, instead of mating two spinning disks, the cone clutch uses two conical…
What is clutch? Definition | How Clutch Works Clutch is a device used in the transmission system of a moter vehicle to engage and disengage the Power transmission thuas the…
Gear क्या है ? Gear के प्रकार। और उनके उपयोग। Gear एक mechanical device है जो industries में बहुत ज्यादा उपयोग की जाती है Power और motion Transmission के लिए।Gears…
What is gear and its function? A gear drive has three main functions: to increase torque from the driving equipment (motor) to the driven equipment, to reduce the speed generated…
Introduction The propeller shaft, also known as the prop shaft or drive shaft, occupies a pivotal position in the transmission system of vehicles, serving as the conduit for transmitting torque…